Hi there! I came across with this lovely tree in some street, and i actually took a "child" branch to see if it would grow in my garden. I have no idea which tree is it, and i'd love to know. I think that it wont grow from the branch i took, so knowing the name will allow me to get a new one instead. Here's a picture i took with the leaves and small fruits (edible?). I couldn't take a picture of the whole tree, sorry! https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos?...110869043183029949594&pid=6057874931387002706 Thanks in advance.
Hi again, so sorry, i though the link would work. Thanks for the help, here is the picture attached. Hope someone can help. Thanks!
Agree with Peruvian Peppertree Schinus molle. An invasive weed species in Portugal, so not a good idea to plant it! The fruit ("pink pepper") is edible in small amounts, used dried and ground as a peppery spice. Not something to eat in any quantity though. Also some people can be allergic to it.
Hi, agree absolutely with the identification, but this time, I must disagree with Michael´s assessment of Schinus molle as invasive in Portugal. it is not listed as such in either the legal list of controlled invasive species or in the broader listings. In the Flora Iberica, which is the most up to date flora for us in Portugal, it is listed for only one region (Alto Alentejo) as "possibly naturalized", otherwise listed as only a cultivated plant. http://www.floraiberica.es/PHP/cientificos_.php?gen=schinus&espe=&infra= It is a commonly planted street tree here in southern Portugal ( when mature looking rather like a weeping willow) - I cannot remember ever seeing any seedlings. boa sorte Brian