I found the plant shown in these images growing in open, rocky habitat on the slopes of Monte Ingino in the Umbria region of central Italy in late May 2014. Some of the blooming plants that were growing nearby were Thymus longicaulis, Helianthemum apenninum, and Cyclamen repandum. I believe this plant is most likely a Saxifraga (possibly S. callosa), but I am not certain. Any help in establishment of a positive ID would be greatly appreciated.
Out of 14 Saxifraga species listed for Umbria (http://luirig.altervista.org/flora/taxa/floraspecie.php?genere=Saxifraga), two may fit: S. callosa and S. lingulata. Don't know what differs them, though.
They are listed as synonyms both in Flora Italiana and The Plant List so I guess it's safe to say that the plant in question is S. callosa.
Thanks to you and Andrey for your help. After my original post I did some further investigation and found the same entry that you reference in The Plant List.