Help ID'ing cacti/succulents please

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by tfrasqueri, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. tfrasqueri

    tfrasqueri Active Member

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    Jacksonville, FL
    Hi everyone, I'm new to growing cacti/succulents but will say I've fallen in love with them almost immediately. My favorite right now is the Jade plant. I've recently acquired a few that I cannot name and would like to get some help with this. I will say that I have them in my south facing screened in patio so they get filtered light pretty much all day.
    Thanks for looking and any help offered.

    I do believe the last one is a Gollum? but it has no color. I bought this one from Ace Hardware yesterday.

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  2. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    Most SW California, USA
    I believe the:
    1st one is Sedum adolphii.
    2nd is a'll need a flower for positive ID.
    3rd a Sedum or possibly a Sedeveria (cross of Sedum & Echeveria).
    4th Crassula ovata.
    5th I've seen this a few times...your Crassula has leaves shaped like both 'Hobbit' (spoon) & 'Gollum' (ET fingers or Shrek ears). If you have it in full sun, it will color up at times of the year. In shade, it stays all green.
  3. tfrasqueri

    tfrasqueri Active Member

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    Jacksonville, FL
    Thanks a lot Rosemarie, by the way , I love your name. The last one looks like both? Is that common to have both characteristics on one plant? I've actually named my Shrek plant because of the foliage. Could you answer another question? I've read many time to let cuttings callous over before planting them. What exactly does that mean? Does it mean to just dry out or should I see roots coming out of them?
    Thank you VERY much for your help.
  4. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    No, Tricia, I don't think it's common (but not exactly rare) to have both characteristics on the same plant. What you'll call it (other than C. 'Shrek'), I don't know! :)

    To callous over means the cut end should harden/dry up a bit before planting in soil.

    Thanks! I like my name too! :D Glad to help!

    (BTW, I saw your posts on GW yesterday...but I don't post there couldn't reply. Glad you posted here as well.)
  5. tfrasqueri

    tfrasqueri Active Member

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    Jacksonville, FL
    Yeah, I seem to get more help here than there. I guess I'm not part of the "in" crowd. I've noticed that when I ask questions I don't get the same friendly talkative responses as others. I can't understand why, but I do really appreciate your reponses.

    Oh yeah, I have 2 Jade cuttings that have hardened at the cut. They should be ok to plant right? And which end do I plant into the soil? Neither end has roots.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2007
  6. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    The fifth plant shown is quite curious - I've never seen anything like that before!
  7. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Active Member

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    Most SW California, USA
    I did some checking, because the hard drive of my brain crashed & could not locate the file on these plants! LOL

    I believe you should be calling your plant Crassula 'Gollum'. Both 'Hobbit' & 'Gollum' are quilled-leaf mutations of Crassula ovata. Crassula 'Gollum' arose from Crassula 'Hobbit'. Apparently, a poorly-grown 'Gollum' will exhibit 'Hobbit' leaf forms, while 'Hobbit' will never show 'Gollum' leaf forms. Clear? :P

    I checked both my plants. C. 'Gollum' does indeed have a few 'Hobbit' leaves, while C. 'Hobbit' has absolutely none like 'Gollum'. Mine are both under the SOS regime in my garden (Sink or Swim)!

    Don't feel badly about responses at GW. Some folks have been there a long time & just know each other well. I find it doesn't have the traffic it once enjoyed (over the past 10 yrs) since the company has changed hands (several times in the past couple yrs.).

    On your cuttings, can you determine from the leaves which end is up? Post a pic maybe? Or you could probably lay the stem on soil, covering with a bit of soil & wait to see some roots at one or more nodes (where leaf attaches to stem).
  8. tfrasqueri

    tfrasqueri Active Member

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    Jacksonville, FL
    I can show you a pic of what the cutting looked like before. All I did was remove the stem with the foliage.

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  9. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    After researching plant #5 several years ago I came to the conclusion its botanical name is Crassula ovata 'Gollum'. To me the common name Trumpet Jade seems appropriate although I can relate to the reference to Shrek. The plants at the stores as well as my own do show variation in the appearance of the leaves.
  10. tfrasqueri

    tfrasqueri Active Member

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    Jacksonville, FL
    Yes, I've noticed the 3 different types of leaves. I will count myself lucky getting a nice sized plant for the money I paid. I'm very happy with it. It was in a greenhouse where I purchased it and now have it in my south facing screened in back porch (did I mention this already? :)) and I can see some very slight coloring on some of the tips. I'm very very happy with it and all my other succulents, although I'm always trying to add to my collection. My collection is small but growing.

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