This thing just popped up one day. Don't have any in the area. It has a very nice smell ( To Me) When bruised. Also has red small berries during certain times in the year. Anyone Help me with this one. I put a picture of it in attachment. Thanks-
Ok, I looked at the Species Pistacia and the only two that stood out were the mexican and texas species but still not sure if they look all the similar. Any other ideas
Or Schinus molle. Schinus is in the same family as mango, cashew, poison ivy, so it's kinda varnish-y when cut or bruised. The odor is distinctive.
Schinus molle has finely pinnate foliage like a Mesquite. It does resemble Schinus terebinthifolius though the bark is odd. HTH Chris
Thanks for the "molle" info. I haven't actually seen it. We have plenty of Schinus terebinithifolius!
I tend to agree with the Schinus terebinithifolius. The bark does look similar to some that I have seen when grown under certain conditions. I suspect that some nearby neighbor purchased one from a mail order catalog as a landscape ornamental. They are easily spread by birds. None of the research I did indicated that they were a 'noxious' weed in your state. But until a few decades ago they were considered an ornamental plant in Florida. Gene
Wow thank You. And everyone else for the great input. So we are going to rest at that it is Schinus terebinithifolius. That is a strange coincidence I think for that seed to have gotten in my garden. Nice tree non the less