We have this tree in our backyard, I have never seen another one like it. We had two, but one was hit by lightning and was split completely in half. The one that we still have has also been hit by lightning. A lot of people have asked me about it, and I just don't know. I was wondering if anyone knows what it could be? Here are a few photos of it. http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u307/picnose/bam248.jpg http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u307/picnose/bam245.jpg
Probably Robinia hispida (Bristly Locust) or perhaps a hybrid of it with a related species. Bristly Locust has a reputation for brittle wood, so not too surprising yours broke.
Thank you guys so much! That's exactly what it is! Does anyone know where they come from? I live in Ohio, and I have really never seen another one of these.
The USDA website is down at the moment, but when it is back up, you'll find the info here: http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=ROHI