Hi this is my first post so I hope I do it right!! I just moved into a house that has BEAUTIFUL plants/herbs/flowers planted everywhere. I was told by some neighbors that at one point an herbologist (their words not mine, not even sure that is the right term) lived here. I need help identifying some of them, thank you in advance for any and all help!!! The photos are all the same flower (I think) and go from left to right starting with a "new sprout" to a full flegged flower.
Hi! I have this one. I do not know much as I posted on here for help also, but can tell you that this is called Monarda. My book states there are 16 species. The hummingbirds love it from my experience so do the Golden Finches. I do not cut mine down after they are finished blooming and the birds will continue to feed and perch on the stalks and seeds. Happy Gardening!
Wow, so I googled both those and from what I gathered Monarda is it's scietific name and Bee Balm is it's common name?? Thank you both so much!!!!
Bee balm or monarda didima is also known as oswego tea, because the Oswego Indians made tea from the leaves. They are very fragrant.
Thanks Plantlady!! I did in fact read that when I looked up the definition on dictionary dot com. You all have been so much help, THANK YOU!!!