Help identifying perennial?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Microfiche, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Microfiche

    Microfiche Member

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    Winnipeg, MB Canada
    I just bought a house last year that has a large patch of what look to me like daisies in the front yard. It has been suggested to me however that daisies don't get as large as these are - currently almost 6 feet high! Unfortunately, sommuer passed Winnipeg by this year, so they haven't even flowered yet, but I wondered if anyone can tell what these are from the leaves size etc. The flowers they had last year had white petals and yellow centers - as I said, they look to me like daisies?
    I have attached photos from last week...
    thanks, Al in Winnipeg

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    For what it's worth, I was just shown this same plant by a fruit-and-plant stand operator I patronize. He dug out of a garden he had worked in some years ago, had never seen it make flower buds before this year. I'd never seen it before, suggested it was an aster. I will be interested to see if somebody else knows what it is, posting pictures of the open flowerheads may be necessary before an precise name is presented here.
  3. Microfiche

    Microfiche Member

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    Winnipeg, MB Canada
    Identified as Chrysanthemum serotinum

    Someone on another forum identified these for me!
    They are giant daisies, a.k.a. Hungarian daisies, a.k.a. Chrysanthemum serotinum, a.k.a. Leucanthemella serotina
  4. OK, good. I've grown that one actually, but didn't remember this one being the same plant.

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