Greetings - This moss-like ground cover continues to take over my vegetable and perennial beds despite all attempts to remove. It grows tightly and very close to the soil surface. Photo shows plant in semi-winter color. Plant becomes very chartreuse. Your help would be appreciated! Thank you - Marzette Ketchikan, AK
Don't think so. I wish! We are way too wet for most phlox. I think it is some form of moss - but unlike any native moss I've ever seen. Thank you!
Sagina procumbens or something superficially similar. Mulching might help. Exposed soil = weed opportunity.
Thank you Ron! I think you are correct. Just found it listed as an invasive week on the following. It even grows on bark, perhaps more so where bark is thinner. Now to learn about control. Thank you again - Marzette
I have the same weed in my garden and am able to keep it under control by hoeing when the soil is dry enough. A good mulch will definitely kill it.