hello, I would like some help identifying a plant please, any help will be really appreciated as I am currently doing an art on mapping plants found growing around the city. This one was found behind the only art gallery in city! Thanks in advance Lawrence. Leeds, UK
It certainly looks like something in the family Brassicaceae, but probably not rape Brassica napus, more likely a different species of Brassica such as B. nigra (Black Mustard) or a species of Sisymbrium (rocket). I reckon you'll have to wait until it flowers, to be sure (if the Council weeds unit doesn't get rid of it first!!). Highly unlikely; not a genus listed as occurring in Britain (either wild or in cultivation).
Thanks Michael F, I have had a look at both, think you may be on to a winner with the Black Mustard. Thanks for you knowledge and effort. Lawrence