can anyone help me identify this.... i dont think ive ever seen it flower, i hope it will soon if no1 can identify it without a flower. any help would be appreciated.
Common name is "hen and chicks" - in your pics are actully the plants, not the flowers. Flowers for sempervivum tend to be on very tall stalks; mine bloom hot-pink. Your plants are much to small to consider flowering yet, however as you're in Australia, you've got a chance. They may, however, take years before they bloom, and once they have they'll start to die.
G'day some at home they will flower but as Lorax says it might take a couple of years Ed
there are many different varieties...some only grow an inch or tow across and some grow to 6 inches across. generally they do best in full sunlight. the 'chicks' can be seperated to start new plants. once they bloom, the main plant will die - no problem since you've usually got a lot of chicks available to keep things going.
i agree, it IS frustrating!!! i have one that bloomed shortly after i bought it...not only did the main 'hen' bloom, so did half the chicks! i do have to say it's an amazing bloom, tho! pretty tiny pink/purple flowers and it's STILL getting new buds/blooms and it's been going for over a month now!! i wish i had a working camera...