What is this poor plant suffering under my care?? This plant used to be full and quite beautiful when I received it in October 2006, however, at the beginning of July it started dropping leaves until it has be come a shadow of its former self. It has not been moved since it was moved into my house and is located 14 feet from a north facing window with filtered sunlight. We did leave a blind open for a week or two, but the climate in the room has not changed. I haven't had any luck identifying the plant from photos on-line. It has a shiny green leaf that is redish-purple on the back side. I'd love the save this plant, it has sentimental value. Any suggestions?
It is a Begonia. A good guess would indiate it is begging for more light. They prefer evenly damp soil and moderately bright light. Check out the American Begonia Society site and check under forums. You should be able to find some recommendations on the care of the species. http://www.begonias.org/
Also check out the site of Palm Hammock Orchid Estates in Miami. At one time they stocked and sold over 800 species and hybrid forms of Begonia. I haven't visited their site in a while but you might find a photo of your species and/or hybrid there: http://members.tripod.com/~PalmHammockOrchidEst/phoe.html In Florida, they are considered the experts in growing Begonia sp. They are also good about answering questions.