I found this woody shrub last week my newly inherited farm in Georgia. It is about 7' tall and covered in oblong dangling red/gold speckled berries. The leaves are mediul green on top and silvery on the bottom with a wavy edge to them. The berry is 5/8" long and 3/8" wide and hangs down from a leaf node. I have never seen anything like it in Georgia so I need some help identifying it. I have attached 2 pictures covering the front and the back of the leaves and its berries. Any help identifying would be greatly appreciated.
Possibly Elaeagnus × ebbingei. Can you get some larger photos? These are too small to tell for sure.
I agree, looks like an Elaeagnus. The coppery underside of the leaf is fairly indicative. The berries are edible although can be a bit astringent unless very ripe. Seeds are edible as well. The plant is quite versatile and has a number of uses. Here's some additional information