Can anyone help identify this plant? The sample in the picture is about 8" tall. It has the unusual (to me) leaf structure with the end fused. Best guess so far is that this is a burnet. Your help appreciated.
Hmm, it's not striking me as being a burnet (Sanguisorba). Is it definitely a herbaceous plant, rather than a tree sapling?
Possibly Sorbus x thuringiaca? Common name Bastard service tree. Or Sorbus hybrida? Common name Finnish whitebeam. These both have fused leaflets. Definitely seems to have a woody stem. Needs more research!
Another option is Pimpinella saxifraga (greater burnet saxifrage). Agree, need more info and further growth, flower, etc. Thanks!
Ditto to Silver surfer, one of the several rowan-whitebeam hybrids such as Sorbus × thuringiaca or Sorbus hybrida.