This is a little tree in training since this spring. Yet my friend, the owner of the bonsai, does not know what species it is. Can u help me and my friend in identifying this? I know it is not an indoor tree, but... we still need help. Thanx a lot, Marius from Romania
I'm not sure but it looks like Black hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii) to me
you sure its not just a little bit hungry? lutea's almost impossible to source here in the UK, darts gold is readily available. 'Luteus' young growths clear yellow. Does that sound right Shohin?
Hi, everybody, Ron, I don't think it's a luteus, which has more yellowish leaves. Compare with this picture: I think it's roughly the same colour. So, probably it's just a common ninebark. Barvinok, I don't think it is a crataegus of some sort. It looks more like a ninebark. Thank you for trying to help. Oscar, The little tree is very well fed (liquid fertilizer on an almost weekly basis, osmocote etc.). Yet, as i said before, it is more reasonable to say that it is not a luteus. Maybe this is the colour of the leaves in spring. Check the link I sugested to Ron. The color looks pretty much the same. Regards, Marius from Romania