Hi All I repotted my tomato plants (I'm growing them in the conservatory) 2 weeks ago before I went on holiday. I have come home to find a brown fungus spreading over the surface of the soil in most of the pots. The plants seem quite happy so I'm not sure if I need to worry. It looks like the fungus equivalent of early beard growth - the texture is dry and powdery. Sorry I don't have a digital camera so no photos. Any ideas?
Thanks for your reply - but no it's not a slime mold. I think it's something from the plant pots as the affected plants are all in the same pots which a friend used last year to grow some veg. The plants seem ok though - a bit paler than the others but still producing fruit...
sounds like Chocolate Tube Slime....without photos makes it pretty difficult for an id.....does anyone have a cell phone or even a cheap digital?