I have noticed these little bugs, they look like gnates. I am not sure if the are good or bad. I have three other maples that are full of leaves. Except for this one in the backyard. It has a lot of buds that have not produced leaves yet, and it is covered in these little bugs. I really don't want to spray any chemicals on it if I dont have to. Are these bugs affecting my tree budding? Or is this maple a little just a little bit behind the others? http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o275/hondajustin/DSC03839.jpg http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o275/hondajustin/DSC03836.jpg http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o275/hondajustin/DSC03833.jpg
Try handsoap/water mix in a sprayer or brew some garlic and orange peels ...Also somewhere i read of a tabacco brew....Don't use anything with oil!
Dawn will work...just put a few drops in a water sprayer with distilled water...No it won't hurt the leaves but you may have to do it everyday or every other day as it is not as affective as other solutions.
Another option would be pro-tekt. "Pro-Tekt® 0 - 0 - 3 The Silicon Solution® a silicon supplement, supplies higher levels of potassium and silicon to build stronger plant cell walls, providing a Pro-Tekt-ive barrier against piercing sucking insects and invading fungi. Pro-Tekt® reduces disease and insect problems, increase stem strength and leaf positioning, which improves photosynthesis. It also increases heat, drought and cold tolerance. Use as a supplement with any fertilizer to provide non-toxic preventative protection against fungal infections and insect infestations. Recommended for all plants. " http://www.dyna-gro.com/003.htm
Do you need to rinse the soapy water off after it drys? Is it better to do it in the evening? Will pro-tekt hurt maples? I have been told that the maples are sensitive to chemicals. What are the other solutions?
No..just spay and let it be and do it in the evening when there is no sun on them. I use Pro-tekt on all my container maples with good results! The other solutions would be the garlic/orange peel brew or tobacco brew. Anything with oil like neem oil or whatever will kill your maples...Stay away from oil solutions!
I have some bayer Advanced Tree and shrub, but I was not sure about using it on the maple. http://www.bayeradvanced.com/product/Tree-Shrub-Insect-Control/concentrate.html It seems that it would take a long time to protect the tree because it has to work threw the root system.