I searched this pest management area for gopher / mole control... and found some dead links. I've tried flooding, dog urine, kid urine, dog and cat hair ... but to no avail. I haven't tried the juicy fruit gum idea yet... A search on the web calls up an ultra-sonic ground emitter. Have any of you tried this product? The gopher holes seem to appear anywhere, and the buggers tunnel under concrete slabs - only to appear on the other side. Short of dynamite and poison, any other ideas?
A terrier.. Would putting down wire mesh of the very strong variety be an idea???? Can't say we have this problem here. Our maurauders tend to come via the air or tree branches. Possums (marsupials) and parrots and cockatoos. Liz
This is going to sound...cruel but... Get your car and hook up the exhaust pipe to a hose and stick the hose in the gophers hole. Let the car run until smoke is coming out any other holes. This is what my brother did and it worked. My mother-in-law used the juicy fruit gum still in the alluminum foil still on it and it worked on her voles. Good luck.
This is a novel idea... yes, a bit nasty... but all sorts of pest control has some degree of cruelty. Thanks to all for your suggestions.
Your location would suggest you have Aplodontia rufa, rather than gophers. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=aplodontia&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi