i've recently bought a finger jade pant, also known as crassula ovata, from kmart and put it out in direct sunlight, but realize the tubular branches are going soft and wrinkly, particuarly the ones down the bottom, the bigger ones. n tried to reseach how to care for it but have mix opinion on wether it should be exposed to direct sun or not. plus i dont even no if its the sun problem or the water problem, but the later seems ok with the plant coz its on the dry side. so please help....so confused.
Hi Billy, If your Carassula o. is not acclimatised to the harsh sunshine, it will burn and scar the plant, and generally shrivel up and quite possibly die... I have grown Crassulas for decades, they need to be tempered for direct sunlight, (as Vancouver's temperate climate does not allow for all season outdoor frost free growing conditions) and the foliage should be covered with a light filtering cloth during the day... water when dry. This should help your plant recover and adjust to its' new environment.
i thought so seeing that it came from kmart where there is the absence of natural light source. i think i'm going to make it an indoor plant and place it at a well lit spot instead of outdoors....hopefully that works and i wont have to be a plant murderer. thanks heaps for the advice....ur the best:-)