Hi, I went to Hawaii about a month ago and I took come pictures of flowers that I found pretty. Like an idiot, I forgot to write down what I was taking pictures of. Can you help me find out what these are? PS - This is my first post, so if I did anything wrong, I'm really sorry!
hello Hawaii 25 = ohia lehua Metrosideros spp 23 and 33 look like plumeria 18 could be cordyline or Ti 19 could be aucuba
No. 19 is, I think, Aucuba japonica (Spotted Laurel). PS, I now see Pierrot beat me to it, but that means two of us agree.
aloha again hawaii 20 is the flowering stalk of cordyline Hawaii 27 is also a plumeria or frangipani hawaii 26 could be dietes (http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/files/Dietes/Dietes_bicolor.jpg) I hope this helps
Cordyline terminalis, a purpleleaf cultivar Gardenia, maybe one of the native ones like G. brighamii Dunno, maybe something like a Brunfelsia Dietes Hibiscus arnottianus or similar Vireya rhododendron, probably a hybrid Bromeliad, maybe a Neoregelia Vireya rhododendron, maybe R. aurigeranum or similar Metrosideros Bougainvillea Zingeraceae (ginger family), don't remember what this one is called at the moment Another purple ti plant (Cordyline terminalis) Croton (Aucuba is incorrect) Plumeria Ixora Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cultivar
Hallo, I`m new here as you are, I`ve never gone to Hawaii (my dream, but rather far away from Germany ).Well, I can help you identify some .no 201 + 211 are hibiscus rosa-sinensis - I`ve got several of them on my windowsill. no 210 is a Bougainvillea, no 275 is some Bromeliad. I know some more, but I`m tired nowat 2 o `clock in the morning.Bye Keciha
3 - something in family Apocynaceae, possibly Cerbera sp. 4 - Dietes bicolor 5 - Hibiscus arnottianus, as Ron said, not H. rosa-sinensis (whatever is meant by that name) 11- possibly Alpinia purpurea, but mixed with leaves of something else