Help-Blackened Shriveled Traps on my Venus Flytrap

Discussion in 'Annuals, Biennials, Perennials, Ferns and Bulbs' started by SweetyMargie, May 16, 2008.

  1. SweetyMargie

    SweetyMargie Member

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    New England
    Hi Everybody!

    My Venus Flytrap has a few traps that are black and shriveled and look dead, but I've read some conflicting things that say they just need more light, less food, less light etc.
    The rest of it is in full "bloom" so I don't think it's a dormancy thing. I've also read that they can get black from being fed dead bugs--is that true? They look like they've kicked the bucket to me, but I'm new to Venus Flytraps.
    I've also heard that it's best to prune the dead looking traps, and if that's the path I should follow, how far down on the stock to I trim them?
    Full of questions, I know. All help is much appreciated!
  2. highsign

    highsign Member

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    United States
    I am unsure about the pruning aspect; however, I can confirm that black
    stalks are indeed dead. Although I have been informed a well fed flytrap
    can regrow a new stalk in five to thirty days.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2008

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