
Discussion in 'Plants: Science and Cultivation' started by p3t3r, Oct 17, 2007.

  1. p3t3r

    p3t3r Member

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    Marquette Michigan
    My name Is P3te. I am 20 years old and i live in Marquette Michigan. My dream is to become a horticultural expert, i have worked with plants and landscaping at home or just for fun. Now that i have moved to marquette i would like to open new paths for my self such as finding a career.. I know horticultury is not going to make me rich but that doesnt mean i cannot go for it. List of problems retrieving this goal
    1. Nmu is in my backyard.. They have no classes that are in this feild. not even botany.
    2. Msu is an extension through Nmu and They have a horticultural session, but the classes are mostly hands on and i cannot move or go anywhere for that matter, i am going to be a dad and i have to fend for my wife who is really having lots of trouble through the pregnancy.
    3. Money, i need a payment plan of some sort.. or do classes now and pay to get ur certificate or degree. anything that is availble. I have found that finacial ad is awsome the thing is i need to find a accredible site to pay cash to..
    4. These places around me are not letting me retrieve my goal and i am not going to give up.. i do not want a career i cannot enjoy my self in.
    5. When i moved here i was too late for the Master Gardener Program and will have to join next year. which helps me get to my goal but doesnt give me my educational level to open a greenhouse.
    6. I have called around marquette trying to get jobs doing floral or working in greenhouses etc. I have joined a community garden and i found a little work picking up brush and planting trees.

    My question to you is.. i Have no idea where to start i need an accredible place that my money will go.. i Really want to recieve my education online because i cannot move. i need expert advice of a horticultural expert to tell me what they would do in my position. what kind of intensive education do i need. & pretty much where can i get my foot in the door.. Please respond
    Thank you so much for your time p3t3r
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Hi Pthreetthreer,

    Welcome to the forum!

    One thing you could do is get some good plant identification books and teach yourself to identify all the plants in your area (both native and planted).

    Otherwise - if there's nothing on horticulture available in the local area, I guess it might be time to think about trying somewhere different!

    Good luck!
  3. p3t3r

    p3t3r Member

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    Marquette Michigan
    Thanks alot micheal F.. That information is really helpful.. is there ne one that i can chat with on a daily or even weekly basis that can help retrieve my goal. Such as classes or some one that can send me assighnments... im not the best with remembering things i can read a book one day and forget it.. but doing assighments would really help me in the factor that what ive learned is on paper.. Like i do not want to run in circles. i want to feel as if i have completed some thing.
    Thank you so much for your help. p3t3r
  4. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    hi for me is important that you are one specialist in one discipline of garden ,for example japanese garden or lake specialist ,in this time the key of succes is being the best in one field,man for every season is finish!!!After the study choise one discipline pruning ,planting ,italian garden lawn specialist or MAPLE specialist,follow your star and good luck,if you have problem write again!!alex
  5. Debby

    Debby Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    I enjoyed reading the biography of Alan Titchmarsh, a fellow who did not like school but loved plants. He started as a workman in gardening and had a very interesting career. I suggest you go to work for someone in landscaping or garden maintenance or greenhouse growing and learn by doing. A good employer would offer incentives for education and help you toward your goal.
  6. photopro

    photopro Well-Known Member

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    Siloam Springs, AR, USA
    If you are truly serious, then you'll need to get to a university that has the classes you need. My friend Dr. Tom Croat teaches botany (well, some times) in St. Louis. He is one of the top aroid botanists in the world so he wears many hats. The Missouri Botanical Garden has a full staff of top grade botanists that teach at local universities. A place like that is where you can get the education you need to do what you want! Get on the net. I'd bet you can find several others.

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