I stumbled across this site and I'm glad I did. I am new to the art of Bonsai and was recently given a gift. I was told it was a Clarissa, but when I searched for that I came across the Ilex Opaca. This plant clearly is not an Ilex or am I wrong. The leaves do end in a hard point and there are small spines on the branches. The white star flower is fragrant like a Jasime. Can anyone Identify this plant for me? Thank you, great site.
Looks like Carissa macrocarpa. Common name Natal plum. You almost had it... just a wrong spelling. http://images.google.com/images?nds...&sa=3&q=carissa+macrocarpa&btnG=Search+images http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carissa_macrocarpa
Thank you. Hours of searching reduced to minutes and the answer comes from the other side of the world. Thank you once again.