Hello all ima new to the forums I am wanting to start my own garden and gorw some nice exotic plants indoors anybody have any good ideas please the more the better
Regarding indoor exotics...the answers would depend on what you consider to be important. Do you want to grow for foliage? Fragrance? Fruit? Other?
Welcome, Good to hear you are interesting in starting to garden! I’m pretty new myself. Here are a couple of links you might like. http://www.beginner-gardening.com http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=howTo&p=LawnGarden/BeginnerHouseplants.html Look these over and that should lead to some more specific questions. What do you want to grow? Have you done it before? Do you have any houseplants right now? Personally I started by going to a plant store, buying a couple of $2 plants, a couple of clay pots to put the in and a bag of potting mix. Then repotted the plants and hit the web to find out all I can about the plants I had (a Player plant and a Wandering Jew). There is a lot of info on the web. I say start cheap. The more specific your questions in the forum the better the answers you will get. Look though some sites on the internet and get an idea of what type of gardening and houseplants you like what you might want to try. And if things don’t work right away don’t get too upset, it happens to the best of us ;) Michael