All my plants are dying... i think... i have a queen marble who has lost a lot of leaves, they have turned yellow and died... i know that its been hotter in here then usual because of our outbursts of wind and cold weather. i have a tree that i have posted pics before... i cant remember what its called.... cornsomething??? anyways its leaves are turning splotchy... and last but not least i have a Avacado tree inside cause of cold weather and its leaves are getting brown spots... that are very dry and its not under or over watered... theres no reason unless maybe its sick??? any suggestions would be great guys/gals! thanks - Ashley
Hi Ashley. Your Queen Marble hibinates in winter; so the leafy potions have died but the bulb is intact and will sprout new leaves come spring. Avarcado plant is very sensitive to cold and will die when exposed to anything below 45 degs. F, So did you bring them indoor well before the bad chill in November. If you did then it is reacting to the temperature and humidity changes from outdoor to indoor. If this is the case it will adapt after losing a few leaves and survive the ordeal.
I was thinking of marble vine, don't know what queen marble is. Some kinds of avocado plants are grown outdoors in places that approach or even sometimes have frosty conditions, so not all must have a minimum temperature of 45F.
thank you everyone... yes i broght them in and yes they have all bounced back except the Queen Marble... which i now understand! thanks again!
the marble queen will bounce back ... were ever you lost a leaf a new one will grow so dont ut back the vines ... it just got to dry and was dropping the leaves... just keep cheking the soil and dont let it dry out again ... they are pretty hardy plants.. Marn