Hi I just got this new helleborus which i love, and was told it does well in containers anyone have any suggestions? thanks
Are those seeds in the first picture? Remember that helleborus are winter plants, they tend to deminish by the summer and if in a pot, they could succumb to neglect and dry out....
nope, just carpet. just wanted a picture of the tag. what's the best bet to keep it healthy then? the guy at the garden store said it should be fine on the balcony in the shade, but that's about as far as he got. it has a ton of new buds on it.
Hi, I have a good selection of Helleborus and have had them in pots and they have done quite well. I found that they needed to be potted up into a larger pot after a couple years. The ones that I planted in the ground have thrived better. I always moved them to the site where my Helleborus are in the ground for the duration after flowering. Brought them onto the deck when flower started merging. I would just make sure that it is not under cover all winter, so that it gets the moisture that it requires. Beautiful plant, you should try and start it from the seed. They can be quite easily started under the right conditions.
Grown and sold commercially in pots. Clumping up with age and therefore needing a large pot or tub in time.