Anyone got any cool heirloom tomatoes?? I have some purple prince, some great white, some striped german and some mortage lifter :D not all are ripe yet but I have some purple prince seeds already :) my german striped are basking ready to go soon :) can't wait :) I'm new so hi everyone :)
I have some Amish Paste tomatoes in my garden, but no seeds yet, but I should have some in a couple of weeks. I have some Manitoba tomatoes, which I believe are heirloom tomatoes as well. I have 12 different tomatoes varieties, but I think those are the only two that are heirlooms. I don't think that I want white tomatoes, but I would be interested in the others. Send me a PM is you are interested in doing a trade.
Sorry Janr it has been a while since I have been in here.. ... Not used to this forum.. If you are still intrested in a trade then I am also .. :D
They are "Black Prince" Tomatoes not "Purple Prince" I have no mortage Lifter left and sending out the last of the german Striped Fri.. The first pic is the "Black Prince" With "Yellow Pear" The last pic is a jar of Canned 'Black Prince" Next to a jar of canned paste Tomato's ... Sorry about the mix up :D Gettin out Fri janr
I can't wait to grow the Black Prince and the Striped German. What do you think of the Yellow Pear. I grew some this year and wasn't impressed. It was a hugh plant with lots of tomatoes, I just didn't particularly like the taste as they were very bland in flavour. In fact most of the fruit is still sitting on on the plants and will probably stay there. :( I just have so many tomatoes this year, that I really don't need to eat ones I don't like. :) I have a couple of other cherry tomatoes which are so much better, like Sweetie and Sun Sugar, which are just wonderful sweet tomatoes.
Hi Dave, I see a few folks here that I know from the other forum. I'm new here too. I have some unnamed heirloom tomato seeds: They are huge and have a lot of flesh inside. I got the seed in a trade from someone who's ancestors brought it over with them from Portugal. I don't know the variety. Here's pics:
Yes, I have lots of these seeds to trade. I am just calling it the extra large Portugal heirloom tomato.
What would you like in trade? In heirloom seeds I have Manitoba and Amish Paste. I have lots of other tomato seeds, but they are just not heirloom seeds. I also have double pink poppy seeds and some red bleeding heart if you are interested in flowers.
Wow those are some beautiful tomatoes running trails ...They look like they would make really good canning tomatoes..How they taste...your going to say it is wonderful i'm sure... I bought the yellow pear at a farmers is one my parents used to grow.. So it was taking me back in time, for the moment anyway..not a big fan of them
The taste of the large Portugal tomatoes is good. I didn't get any to taste that ripened on the vine, unfortunately. I liked the ones that ripened on the kitchen table but, as I am sure you know, they weren't as sweet as they would have been had they ripened on the vine. Next year I am going to start them earlier indoors. This past spring I have a problem with aphids on the tomatoes that slowed them down quite a bit.
Showering your plants with the hose can keep aphids and mites at bay. Oh how I love heirloom tomatoes. So much more flavorful than other types. Here's what I have... ~ Cherokee Purple ~ Peach Blow Sutton ~ Alicante ~ Carbon ~ Amish Paste ~ Big Rainbow ~ Brandywine ~ Pineapple ~ Mortgage Lifter ~ Mr. Stripey ~ Kellog's Breakfast ~ Belgium Giant ~ Principe Borghese ~ Orange Strawberry ~ Golden Queen ~ Gardener's Delight ~ Green Zebra ~ Black & Purple Prince, and some other black varieties, but I can't think of the names offhand ~ Red Currant Here's my Red Currant cherry tomato plant that I grew in a hanging basket outdoors, but recently brought inside to ripen and not be affected by frost. It is now ripening up beautifully for me... : )
That's a great list of plants! I also have 'San Marzona' best Italian paste tomatoes in the world, supposedly, and 'Ailsa Craig' a sweet red early tomato, if you are interested. With the addition of the Manitoba tomatoes, this will be all the tomatoes that I want to grow. I am, however, very interested in seeds for perennials or rare reseeding annuals. I am also looking for seeds for luffahs, colourful and bumpy gourds, giant pumpkins and a few squash that I don't already have (I have several). LMK if you are interested in any of the seeds on my list. I will be happy to send them to you. Happy gardening, Sheryl
"Ailsa Craig" is a mid(this year late) season white onion. I can highly reccomend them after growing them for almost 10 years. They don't store all that well but do keep a while for me in a cool humid root cellar. This variety is wonderful fresh as well as cooked. Many get as large as a softball without any special care.
I didn't know it was also an onion. Interesting. I have never grown my own onions. Do they need a long growing season?
Hi Sheryl. No they don't need a long season and in fact they would be excellent for your climate. I buy my sets from Johny's seeds in Albion main. They are excellent quality and as opposed to many advertising claims actually do produce huge onions with little care. The secret to growing them or any onion is to plant early (first of may here) and most importantly to keep them weed free. Onions, more than any crop I've found cant take competition. By all means give them a shot.