Hedge Roses

Discussion in 'Rosa (roses)' started by Cherie, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. I live in Tulsa, OK. I ordered from a mail order nursery and planted 15 Robinhood Roses in May. They greened up nicely and put on some leaves. I just noticed that most of them look dead now. The stems have gone brown and only the outer tips of the branches are still green. It has been quite wet here lately. No bugs in sight on the plants. Roots don't have galls. What is going on? Do they have a fungus?? How can I treat them? Will a fungus kill them, or will they come back out later?? Should I leave them in the ground? HELP!! Thanx.
  2. Carol Ja

    Carol Ja Active Member 10 Years

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    Salt Spring Island
    Have you got a picture? Did the leaves drop off?
    Carol Ja
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Something drastic like wet soil and root rot. What does the soil and roots look like?

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