I am new to the forum, hope this works. I have a massive eucalyptus tree very close to the house. I suspect a lot of winter damage to the tree as ++ leaves are dropping daily and many of branches and leaves are brown. Round leaves are dropping, too and they look brittle and brown. I am noticing new growth on the main trunk of the tree. Does anyone know if I can cut this right back to the trunk without killing it or compromising its structural strength? I'm attempting to attach a couple of pics one showing the new growth and the other showing the significant size of the tree. Thanks for you help.
Hi Lurmac, I have succesfully cut my tree back twice now as they grow so fast. I cust it back to a ten foot stump with not a branch left on it and ist back up at 40 feet in just 2 or 3 years and flourishing. I have pruned the lower branches this year and new ones are already shooting out and taking their place. Leaf drop is quite normal especially during drier periods usually the leaves turn red and then fall off all over the lawn, some will stay that bluish green though. if leaves are turning brown then its probably lack of either water or a good feed. Nath
I would be very worried having such a big tree so near the foundations/sewers of my home. I would recommend that you cut it down, kill the stump to prevent it regrowing, then plant a new one well away from your home. See this link! http://www.jpgmag.com/photos/1677718
Nath, What time of year did you prune your eucalyptus right back? I've read somewhere that it is better to do it in mid-summer. Thanks for the info. Luri
I cut it back in October and it lay dormant for probably 8 months but then it grew back with a vengence.
Okay, thanks. As I continue to read from the contributors on this forum I am learning the eucalyptus is tremendously resilient. I do love the tree and its fragrance, so I don't want to unwillingly kill it! Much appreciated.