Hello I have questions for a 99% recycled wood and glass greenhouse I am just about to finish. Size is L180"xW63" H about 7 feet 5% roof incline. There are three large sliding door on top and four small wooden intersections For summer there are removable vents all around on the top and the glass doors acn be raised 4" I would much appreciate the opinion of someone in the know and with the know how All the photos are uploaded here. http://visualsenses.smugmug.com/Nat...ganic/13595110_78GD5j#!i=2890798553&k=MdSmDNd and here are my elevated buckets are here to be seen. There in different height as they are 2nd hand and used to be in a showroom of mine overseas. http://visualsenses.smugmug.com/Nat...ganic/13595110_78GD5j#!i=1583192584&k=nWmtQTP 1/ Solution one: leaves all the buckets inside with three sets of the lowest buckets on top of each other 1&2 3&4 5&6 and leaves me a spot to put some small potted plams IDEAL But what I would like to learn ahead: if I do this will the plants ONLY grow towards the window (that is full south facing but with filtered light from trees in winter, in summer high sun will come over the trees) I do have three BIG windows that let daylight come in from the top also On top of each other the plants still will easy reachable but turning the buckets is not an option as its too heavy and there is no space to turn even I put them in wheels. 2/ The other solution simply leaves two outside The ones along the street wall will they also grow towards the front window? Also what is the cheapest safest way of heating a green house friends suggest an oil heater and its more safe I was thinking maybe like a dog house heater or some flat electric radiators but seem not able to find some here In South Africa they had some that were like flat plates fixable on the wall for small rooms. Does anyone know of these in Vancouver Canada? Or any other suggestions My plans are continue to grow my kale and starting early lettuces and tomatoes because this year all our tomatoes got eaten by some rodent and I had to start my seedling 3x because I guess some squirrel. Thanks for any help.
Hi again now that all my tenants have moved in and suddenly we are getting a cold spell and I have many Kale and Collard green seedling I want to keep the green house above freezing. Any advice is welcome. I tried this upside down "Terra Cotta" pot concept found online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwElWD_qqCc I got NOTHING in temperature like those shown! I tried many ways with one 4" across 3wick candle for more power with one candle in a glass pot (like many from the stores. I did it with two big pots 12" and 10" across to heat a green house above freezing. Ambient temperature near 0C in Vancouver Canada. After 3hrs only the bolt was warmish and both pots still ice cold. They are standing on terra cotta bricks on a glass plate. So I guess it's only for an indoor a home maybe. My greenhouse is wood and glass http://smu.gs/1cYRrKvglass. and quite well insulated 96sq feet I guess it's only an "indoor" thing. Naturally not 100% airtight as its all an amateur job but all the wood is lined with 2layer 0.06 clear plastic and then 5/8 plywood again. I am welcoming any advice. Would you say as long as plants are covered they will not freeze? I put up an electric heater on minimum tonight just to make sure it will not I did install a brand new fire alarm and my mini heater is standing on a baking plate and us surrounded byt 4 bricks nothing could tip it over and no animal of any size really could enter the room, that tight the building is. http://visualsenses.smugmug.com/Nat...95110_78GD5j#!i=2944875188&k=8cbbCZP&lb=1&s=A