I recently bought my first Jade and it has a few symptoms I'm worried about. 3 or 4 leaves look speckled and I read on various posts this might be spider mites or salt deposits so I washed the leaves and cleaned the white specks with a q-tip. The white specks disappear while the leaves are wet but reappear as soon as the leaf dries. Also, on a few leaves it looks like they're losing their round edges. The first picture is difficult to see but it shows a speckled leaf. The second picture shows one of the leaves with a damaged edge (the leaf sticking up near the middle and top of the tree). It looks like a weird indentation. I kept the plant indoors for the first week I had it and the leaves had the same shape. I leave the plant on my balcony during the day where it gets a lot of filtered light and I've been very careful not to overwater it since I've read so much about root rot. I haven't watered it in a week or so, it's planted in cactus/succulent planting mix and the pot has a drain hole at the bottom. I feel like I've read a million posts and websites on Jades by now and don't really know if I should worry about these symptoms. My only guess would be bugs (which I don't see or find when I washed the leaves with a q-tip), stress since the plant was sent through the mail just 3 or 4 weeks ago or maybe I'm underwatering it. I could be worrying for nothing so I would appreciate any help or advice anyone can give! Thanks! -Kate
it looks fine. soil and pot are okay (next time you repot, use unglazed clay). that size pot should be watered about every two weeks. water thoroughly so that there is a bit of water coming out the bottom. check the soil before watering - if it's still moist an inch or so down, hold off a few days and check it again. the white spots could be sun damage from water on the leaves. i wouldn't worry unless they get larger or the plant starts looking sickly. i'd wait to be putting it outside until the weather is consistantly warm enough in the evenings - over 50 - because it could get chilled if you're late taking it inside. also, the constant changing of the light will affect it. jades are finicky and will pout when their conditions change. so, best to leave it in for now and then start bringing it out like you've been doing when the weather is a little better. gradually introduce it to full sunlight and then, in fall, gradually introduce it to lower light conditions for wintertime inside. what part of pa are you in?
There is nothing wrong with your plant. The white speckles are hydathodes, a normal and diagnostic feature of all Crassula species. Hydathodes are glandular structures that secrete water and often appear as white dots by secreting calcium carbonate and other salts as well.
Thanks for the advice, the soil an inch done was bone dry so I watered it this morning. Maybe that will help! :) I live in Bryn Mawr, so not too far from Philly. Where in Philly do you live?
ahh, bryn mawr!! lovely little town - i've always loved driving around there as i love the old houses and the architecture. i work in narberth, right down the street.