Help! Just saw lots of brown leaves of hawthorne falling and it's end of May! It's just finished flowering (red blooms) and the canopy is very lush. Never needs watering because we are sitting on peat bog. No idea how old tree is. Tree is about 15 to 20 feet high. This early spring, I was aware of not disturbing the roots while I was planting perennials, and dozens of perennial and annual seedlings under the tree. The biggest perennial I planted was a Japanese anemone from a 6 inch pot. Was it because my landlord placed this black plastic edgings around the flower bed (about 3 to 4 feet away from the hawthorne's tree trunk, around the tree) ? The tree's lower leaves are all turning brown and shedding. The tree top is still green. Is the tree dying?
Can you post a photo of the foliage? A close-up would be best, to see if there are any signs of disease. PS no 'e' in Hawthorn ;-)
Is it possible the pear slug is attacking it. We have that problem here. They come from our wild cherry plums that are self / bird sown from when there were many orchards in the area. If you have a look under the leaves you will see what look like small leach type slugs. If they are there vacume cleaner dust or talcum powder is one method I have used to slow them down. It also attacks flowering cherry and pear trees. Liz
Re: Hawthorn losing leaves in May! Help! There are numerous brown spots on all leaves. I guess it's a fungus. I just hope the fallen leaves will not affect the perennials I've planted.