Hello Everyone, Been researching and studying a lot over the past several months. I can not seem to find a lot of info on scion wood storage and how long wood can be stored. I found this forum member states between 4-6 weeks: http://picasaweb.google.com/101590622733657004600/GraftingJapaneseMaples?authkey=Gv1sRgCILdoYTdxOyfdg&feat=directlink&gsessionid=V9x6NvHNIZaSqY7gpcuyyA#5310216890993175202 What are others experiences on how long scions can be stored for? Thanks, Stephen
I think i heard somewhere it can be stored for up to 2 months. I have keep it in my fridge for about a month and still had great success. But i generally like to collect it the same day i plan on grafting.
I don't have a great deal of experience with this, but for what it's worth I've read of one large-scale grafting operation that collected scions in early winter and kept them refrigerated until late winter, when they brought their understock out of dormancy. I've also stored scions in wet sand over the winter, at cool temperatures, in the 30s, and they seemed fine too. In both cases I got the same (low) rate of take that I get with freshly cut scions. (My main problem, I think, was that I was usually using understock that was too young and too thin.) Incidentally, I once made a mistake with beech scions and put them, not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer, for at least three months. Somewhat to my surprise, these also seemed to come through fine. Best of luck.
Hi Everyone, Thanks for the replies. I think I will mix it up a bit and see what happens. I will post back after I graft with my results. Regards,