Hello, A couple of days ago, I visited a friend's garden and he had quite the collection of hardy geraniums, and offered some to me. They appeared in a mass planting, and looked like they haven't been cut or tended to for some time. I saw him grab some of the green areas that just started to sprout, but none of the pieces seemed to have any roots. Is there anything I can do with these pieces? To me they almost appear to have green at both ends of a 12 inch piece and no roots, at least that I can see anyway. Can I cut them to size and replant? Or what should I do with them? I placed them temporarily into some soil for protection but need to move them into a more permanent spot once I know what to do. Never had geraniums before. hehe One is extremely scented, but I wouldn't say it's pleasant, but a rather powerful scent. Any idea on what that type it is? Thanks, Kara
Its probably Geranium macrorrhizum it would have been much better to have had a piece with some root.....replanting the pieces you have in the ground is worth a try.