hardy citrus to ID

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by MickH, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. MickH

    MickH Member

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    Nottingham UK
    Mr. Shep and Gerry Morgan- particularly -----I would like to know what our tree is here in the UK -----
    please see pics of Nottinghams is it Citrumello/trifoliate or a Citrange on Hardy UK Citrus site Home Citrus UK. Mike Saalfeld has kindly put these pics on his site. These pics were taken last November just before & after the first snow came and then December January was the coldest winter on record down to minus 15C with many a day below 10C. The fruit has never been bigger than 2 inches diameter but this tree is very prolific and very very hardy as its been outside over 20 years with the root in the soil.
    It was given to me as a seedling tree about a foot tall in a pot by a guy who said it came from the USA as pips. The full story is on the excellent website mentioned. It might be worth mentioning if you do't look at the website the seeds came from the USA & sent by a chap named Zehner which must have been around 22 years ago.

    An expert Citrus chap sent me an email & said it could be unique due to it being a seedling tree. It has tri, dual and mono folated leaves dispersed all over it in about equal amounts and is in full fruit at the moment which are all green. However the temps here in the UK this last week have reached over 30C which has been a surprize to all especially I bet 'our tree' & I wonder if the fruit will ripen & change colour earlier this season ????? The weather forcasters forcast snow this October but I'm scepticle of this as it seems they don't know what will be next week let alone three weeks hence... We'll see what happens won't we... Mick in the UK
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Re: hardy citrus

    Here is the Nottingham specimen noted above, for the convenience of readers.

    @MickH, you may be able to contact mr.shep at the Citrus Growers Forum if you do not receive an answer here.

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