Chinese Witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis 'Pallida') flowers against sky garden Adel Leeds West Yorkshire England UK Europe 23 February 2009
I checked again in the Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopaedia. 'Pallida' is listed under x intermedia with addition: syn. H. mollis. Under H. mollis it is also listed with references to x intermedia. It is in my garden and I bought it years ago as H. mollis. What is correct name? Krystyna
Looks like it is × intermedia and × intermedia = H. mollis × H. japonica
>'Pallida' is listed under x intermedia with addition: syn. H. mollis< That means that it belongs under H. x intermedia. >Under H. mollis it is also listed with references to x intermedia< Sounds like a cross-reference to H. x intermedia, again to indicate that is where it belongs. On another note you might want to compare the flowers of yours with other 'Pallida', as the picture appears here it looks too much of a daffodil yellow instead of a sulphur yellow - as though you got another selection by mistake or even an unselected seedling.