Half dead Acer palmatum (crimson queen) - savable?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Aschroader, May 16, 2013.

  1. Aschroader

    Aschroader New Member

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    Puget Sound, Washington
    This Japanese maple was transplanted at least 4 years ago, the owner has noticed steady decline within the last two years, and as you can see on the photos, the right half of the tree is completely dead and large parts are actively decaying. There are two large (approx 2" in dia.) roots exposed at the base of the tree that were severed 6" from the flare, and I can see no reaction wood or signs of CODIT happening on any old pruning cuts. Anywhere there was a cut made, decay has spread farther than I typically see.

    My client considers this the pride and joy of his back yard and will try anything to save his tree. Does anyone have any ideas?
    There is a small epicormic on the low trunk, which seems to be the only new growth so far this season.

    Attached Files:

  2. BigBudz

    BigBudz Active Member

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    whitby Canada
    get the chain saw out.. it looks like its dying from some disease. look around the roots where it has been cut. doesn't look like it healed up good to me plus its at the ground level. lots of micro organism life there to screw the health up.

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