Hello, I would like to find a source of hairy manzanita (Arctostaphyllos Columbiana) for our Sooke garden. Also, I would like to reforest a portion of our large lot with firs, Hemlock and broad leaved maples. The area is currently overgrown with salmonberries and alder. Does anyone know where I could acquire several dozens of seedlings at a reasonable price? Thank you
Although in demand because it is native, Arctostaphylos columbiana is not the most ornamental or tractable species. So, availability is sporadic. You may have to shop around a bit, settle for small, indifferent-looking specimens (it is quite disease-prone). Several BC suppliers of native plants are listed at http://www.tardigrade.org/natives/nurseries.html
BC native plant nurseries A more reliable list of BC native plant nurseries is posted here: http://www.npsbc.org/Use/use.htm The Sooke area might be a wet for hairy manzanita. It's more of a rainshadow plant, found on the drier inside coast of Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast. It requires excellent drainage and full sun. If arbutus or kinnikinnick already grow on your property, then hairy manzanita might do well there. Otherwise, it's not a likely prospect.