Habanero Newbie!!

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by ChiknLitl, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Member

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    Oakland, CA, USA
    Hello everyone. This is my first post to this forum. I have enjoyed reading the helpful responses you all have provided and hope that you can do the same for me with my problem I am having with my poor habaneros. I have 2 small habanero plants in pots that I am growing on my porch where it is fairly sunny. They are in well drained soil. I live in Oakland, CA so it is a moderate dry climate. It can get quite cool at night, 60 degrees or less and usually in the mid 70's during the day. The problem I am having is that the leaves on one of my plants look, well, deformed for lack of a better explanation. Some are curved and bubbly looking, while others are normal on one half of the leaf and curved on the other half of the leaf. All of the flowers seem to be drying and falling off. The other plant was looking healthier with normal leaves until recently. I started to notice the same weird leaf problems. There do not seem to be any bugs on the leaves or stems as I check them almost eveyday. No visible fungal discolorations either. I do grow some other plants out on the porch but have very little knowledge about growing other than "plant, water, fertilize, pick off bugs". Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

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    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  2. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    I am curious if you are keeping the soil moist, or going to extremes of moist, dry, moist dry. Also, are you positive about drainage for the soil. Do you give them any nutrient boost? Some concentrated tea every couple weeks will do great for roots and folliage while growing and producing. This is the time of year the will explode. You have an excellant climate in Oakland. Better experts may respond.
  3. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Member

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    Oakland, CA, USA
    Actually when I water the plant the water seems to almost drain right through. I get what seems like a lot of water in the drain pan beneath the pot, more so than my other plants. Perhaps the potting soil is too loose some how. I generally water it every day or every other day depending on how warm it has been outside. I think I may be watering too much, the soil never gets quite "dry" before watering again.
  4. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    I think you have the answer. The roots don't have enough nutrients, PH balance, and soil properties to keep roots happy. Seems they are getting teased with watering. Try getting some quality soil from the local nursery, and re-pot them. Your maintained moisture will likely change the dynamics of the plant. By the looks of the leaves, that seems to be the only problem. Also, no need to be so high with the soil. Go 2" below rim, and have mulch go to the top. It will hold the moisture too.
  5. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Member

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    Oakland, CA, USA
    Thanks for the help!. I'll try to re-pot the plant. I tend to have this problem with filling the pots too high with dirt! It seems I can't resist a few extra handfuls.
  6. Acoma

    Acoma Active Member

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    Reno, Nevada Zone 6A
    BTY, as you re pot them, get some miracle grow fertilizer to mix with the soil too. This will give a kick to the plant. Like a morning double shot of expresso.

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