Identification: Guess these plants?!?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Van Spensa, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. Van Spensa

    Van Spensa Member

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Can somebody please help me identify these plants?

    Both are one of my new roommates plants and he has no idea what they are. The first is in good shape but I'd like to know what it is so it can be taken care of properly.

    The second plant is pretty much dead! Leaves started falling off and the stem started to get very soft so it could no longer support the plant (it was watered to much)! What is shown in the pictures are basically the tops of the plants stuck in soil. It looks like a ponytail palm but it didn't have the bottle shaped stem at the base and is much smaller. Is there anything I can do to start new plants from the tops of this mystery plant?

    Any feedback or suggestions are welcome!!


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  2. MOCHA

    MOCHA Active Member

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    Yakima WA U.S
    The Larger Green one looks like a Croton who is getting poor light. Crotons are High Humidity plants and requier lots of light. the more light the more colorful they get. not to much light though or it will drop leaves. The are finiky plants so keep it in one location. I have mine in the bathroom. its steamy and humid and has a east facing window. south, east or west are best for that plant.all purpouse fertilizer during it growing period.

    Your other plant is kinda hard to tell. It looks like a very young Janet Craig Draceana but the leaves look a to long. I also have a baby Janet Craig and the stem looks the same but the leave are shorter so Im not to sure.
    Good luck

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