I notice on the lawn (everywhere on the lawn) these little piles of dirt. Are these from some kind of grubs in the grass? How does one get rid of them? Thanks for your help.
Are they worm casts, ie what remains after the worm has digested what it needs from the soil? Worm casts are formed into longish round sections. In the UK these casts were thought to be very good soil to plant in. Worms are, ofcourse goodies in the garden and I would just rake the soil into the surrounding lawn. If the soil is just a mound of loose earth it probably is not from worms but could be from ants mining under the lawn to make nests. The ants should be evident on the surface though. I'm sure that others will add ideas. Margaret
how big are the piles? i don't think grubs make piles, they stay underground and feed on the roots of turf. if there are a lot of them (like more than 5 per square foot) then your lawn would be showing signs of damage (yellowing, browning, dead patches, etc.) if they are grubs, there are granular insecticides you can apply to your lawn, Grub-B-Gone.
I'd bet on worm castings. They can occur in incredible numbers, and apparently they indicate a problem with soil compaction.
Worm casts sound about right. The more worms the better I reckon. The help aerate the soil. Worm casts can be raked off the lawn but often the rain will just wash the evidence away.