Hello, I was trimming my palm trees when I came across the growth in the attached picture at the top of one of the trunks. It looks like miniature limes. Can anyone positively identify what it is? I want to make sure it’s not something that will harm the tree.
Those are fruits. Maybe some people can tell from that what kind of palm it is, so what kind of palm fruits they are, but others of us would need to see a photo of the tree and leaves (and even then might not be sure). Or do you already know what kind of palm it is? Have you been ignoring your tree? It seems that you missed seeing the flowers!
Thanks for responding. I have attached a photo which should allow someone to figure out the type of palm trees I have. I think they might be Chinese Fan Palms.
Could be - I can't distinguish one fan palm from another, but you can see fruits like yours on this page: The Chinese fan palm, Livistona chinensis – Botany Boy