Either wild flowers or flowering weeds, I'm not sure, but they take a great photo. I hope you'll be able to help with these. The photo in B&W, the color of the petals and center are the correct colors, I didn't change the colors, I just wanted the flower itself to pop since it was so tiny. A single stem with lots of buds and a bloom at the top, it's very tall and they were all over the field behind my apartment. The pink flowers get very tall, I've seen them at least 3 foot, but the blooms themselves are quite tiny too. The deep pink flower, I actually can't remember where I took the photo at, but it was a short flower. Thank you in advance for all the help!!
Indeed, Verbena fit better. Perhaps this one: http://swbiodiversity.org/seinet/imagelib/imgdetails.php?imgid=291940
Verbena bonariensis to be exact Tyrlych...thank you!! And the first one is actually a Symphyotrichum patens (Aster patens). Thank you both so much for the help! I can't say it enough...but I love this forum. It has really helped in naming all the flowers I photograph. Here's a link to my flowers and plants I've photographed. I have found some on my own, but this forum has really help on others I just wasn't able to find. I still have quite a few to go that I need help on and will post them soon!! I appreciate the help so much...Thank You!! http://www.redbubble.com/people/dawnesromeo/collections/158851-flowers-and-plants