I have been experimenting with different combinations of fluorescent bulbs for growing Streptocarpus. I have tried 2 cool white tubes, 1 warm white +1 cool white, and full spectrum. Under all the combinations I seem to get mixed results-some plants look really good and others are very slow and the leaves are twisted. I have seen that there are all kinds of new fluorescent tubes on the market and wonder what would be the best and the most economical?I like the growth from the full spectrum but they are expensive if you have a lot of light gardens. If anyone out there grows Streps and other gesneriads under lights I'd like to know what you have found the best. Thanks.
I have African Violets on my kitchen window sill and use a cool white and a full spectrum tube in the light fixture. It used to also be the night light and I found that the AVs curled because they need enough time to sleep (I guess)! I started turning the light off at night and the plants began to thrive. Don't know if that applies to others in that family under lights but perhaps an adjustment to the number of hours the lights are on would be helpful. I'd be interested in others comments also. Bill