I live down in south Florida and only red maples, swamp maple grow down here. They do really well around wet areas down here. My ? is How will they do in sphagnum peat moss along with fertilizing only? They are all in containers Ive seen people with bonsai's use that method and they do really well down here in the subtropics
I've been doing a little more reading and it's sphagnum moss not sphagnum peat moss the peat is dead and the sphagnum moss is not. The only thing about sphagnum moss is you should wear gloves and a mask because of Sporotrichosis and lung infection possible after long exposure
pure sphagnum moss isn't a good medium for growing trees in, in particular it tends to stay too wet too easily, and rots down into a compacted sodden mess. Natural soil mixed with a bit of leaf mould is much better.