I have some jelly palm seed that I got yesterday from greendealer in Kentucky,(U.S.) I have 5 seeds, I put one in a moist paper towel and put in a ziplock bag and put it6 in a warm place. Any suggestions.
Best approach for palm seed is to soak in a water for a day or two and remove any flesh left on the seed before planting. These do take a little longer to germinate than some palms. When you sow make sure they are covered by about an inch, no more, or they will be too deep, keep moist until they sprout. Keep in a shady and very well protected spot for first few years as the seedling stage is the most vulnerable to be affected by weather. Always use extremely well drained soil in pots and water regularly.
I have a friend who was trying to germinate Date Palm seeds not having much luck.I suggested that he nick the seed with a little very fine sand paper.He tryed that and got three out of six to germinate within one month. You might try that.