I got a cutting from a jade :) and would like to know what to do with it, I have heard that you let it dry for a day and then you put it in moist potting soil in part shade? I need tips so I wont kill it. :( Blake :)
yes, let it dry for a day and the pot it. you can keep it in bright indirect light while it's rooting and, once it's got roots established, you can move it to brighter more direct light. jades do best in very bright/full sun conditions. and, that particular variety is probably one of those that turn red on the edges of the leaves when they get enough sun...they look very pretty with the red edges. when you pot it, use unglazed clay and make sure there's a drainage hole (a 2 or 3 inch diameter pot is more than enough right now) and a very well-draining soil. i usually use cactus mix (peat, bark bits and perlite) and then add in some extra perlite or aquarium soil for additional drainage. allow the soil to get a bit dryish before watering again...jades don't like to be soggy.
Cuttings of this succulent start very easily anytime of the year from the rosettes at the tip of the branch. Dry for one day after cutting, before inserting in the medium, Ive seen jade tips that were accidentally knocked off of a plant root all by themselves when just lying on top of the ground - Millet (1,249-)
I rooted a jade cutting in water once... it was the only time I tried it, and it worked :) Good luck!