I have been trying to grow tropical hibiscus from seed obtained from my different plants. However, I have only managed to get a few of the plants to flower. Is it usual that many of the offspring don't produce any flowers? The plants are over 2 years old and 2 to 3 feet in height now and over winter in a greenhouse because of our Toronto winters.
with tropical hibiscus like any plant from seed they can flower at year old or wait till they are three or four. i still have one seedling that has not bloomed and is just over 4 years. i have six plants that all bloomed at about a year and a half. but two to three years i would say is normal. and the times can vary even if the seeds are from the same cross. the first two seeds i grew where given to me from a friend and they both sprouted one grew like crazy and the other grew really slowly the first took a little over a year and the second took almost 2 1/2 years. both in the same soil and fert. so donot give up. i have been trying to get a hybrid worth naming but so far nothing really special. not giving up but only do it as a hobby so might one day get one may not but is fun trying. good luck
Thanks for your encouragement. The cold weather is almost on us and decision time for culling is coming. Maybe I will give the non-blooming plants one more season to produce. I have just noticed the beginning of a flower bud on one of the reluctant plants. I'll post a picture if it actually blooms and looks interesting.