I have been growing avocados in pots from the seeds of Haas fruit. I have 3 such healthily looking plants that are roughly 5' to 6' high. My next step would be to plant them in the ground but I don't want to do that unless there is a high probability that they will fruit. They are 4 to 5 years old and have shown no sign of fruiting so far. What is the probability that they will fruit if I wait a few more years. I have a Hass I purchased a couple of years ago and it has shown fruit, albeit only a few and they dropped off before getting very large. Ron
My guess is that your seedlings will eventually fruit, I think it may be more a question of when and more importantly, does the quality of the fruit merit planting these out. While grafted plants like your Haas will bear fruit after just a few growing seasons, seedlings may take 8-20 years, according to the article below: http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/avocado.html
Thanks for the feedback. I think I'll not put the seedlings in the ground but rather put them in larger containers and watch for a few more years. Ron