I purchased an apple tree (some kinda Israel creation...because it's hot here in South Texas) and on the way home, a branch broke off. I stuck the tree in our blowsand soil, after preparing the hole with root stimulator and potting soil. It had wilted leaves for a day...then perked up. I took a small pot and pushed the broken limb into some root starter powder, stuck it in some potting soil, and it too perked up by the next day. I need to cut off a couple more limbs to get the tree to look like I want. Should I wait, or do it now? Secondly, can I grow a tree from these limbs by doing what I did with the first broken limb? Is it really that easy, or is there more to it?
If the cutting grows roots, then it is that easy. Some cultivars may be propagated this way (is your 'Anna'?), but it is usually not that easy for apples. Last summer I contributed to a thread related to this, and a product was mentioned -- "rooter cup" -- you could search threads on this website and find more info. It is a method of propagation known as "air-layering", which may be something you would want to try, as you have branches to be pruned off anyway.
Biggam: If the cutting does root, you will lose the benifits of the dwarfing rootstock the tree was grafted onto, such as size control and fruiting early in it's lifetime. Your variety is either Anna or Einshemer. Anna is better after a few year's crops, but Einshemer is always poor quality. Not to worry, as many, many apple varieties will grow just fine in your climate. I grow 100 varieties here in Southern California with under 400 annual chilling hours. You can ignore the chilling hour rating on the apples (but pay heed with the stonefruit). Applenut