Greetings, I have been briefly browsing the forums here and look forwarded to learning what I can. As I have little to no gardening experience at all and have decided to take on this new long term project \ hobby \ adventure. I admit I have not searched and have much to browse here yet. This past November I purchased a packet of 30 Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum, seeds which I kept in their dry form in my Fridge drawer until a few days ago. I then went through the warm Scarification steps and am now in the beginning of the cold Stratification process on the seeds. Hopefully I didn't wait to long to start this process. I found a lot of views and information on this process but little on what to do once they sprout (if they sprout) and what I do find is very vague. I am in the US zone 8 NE North Carolina and plan to pot or container plant them on a shelf in an outdoor shed with windows facing east and SE that get direct to indirect sunlight. This at least will provide shelter from wind, direct sunlight and some pests so I am hoping this will be an acceptable place for them. Some of what I do not know or am not clear on is: -What type and how much soil to plant them in.. egg carton size.. one inch pot etc.. Edit: I have read quite a few posts on soil mixes since posting this :) -How often to water them, daily, twice daily.. -What kind of fertalizer specificly, in what amount or mixture to use and at what frequency.. My source for supplies will likely be retail home outlet type hardware stores like Home Depot \ Lowes or the Internet. I may look into picking up some literature as well. I am looking forward to any help and knowledge you can provide, but be gentle on the garden terms.. I've already had to google several.. :) Thanks RedBird
For seedlings, you watch until they start to sprout (takes several months). A white root like a tiny carrot will break out of the seed, and then you know its time to pot them up. I gently scoop up each one with a spoon, being careful of the roots, and place it in a 4" square pot in average potting soil (Miracle Grow Organic is fine). No fertilizer needed. Give gentle light and keep moist but not wet. The seedlings should be happy in those pots for at least 2 years. Good luck with your new hobby!